Sunday 25 November 2012

Curtain up...


I'll start with the basics, my name is Stacie, I'm 25 years old and I live on the south coast of England. I graduated from University 3 years ago, I now work in a slightly dull job that has nothing to do with my aforementioned degree and as you might be able to tell, I've been bitten by the theatre bug.

It all started when I saw a little show called 'Wicked' in London a good 6 years ago now and I've just been addicted ever since. I average about 24 shows a year so I thought why not set up a place on the internet where I can tell everybody (somebody? anybody?) how much or how little I enjoyed these shows.

It won't all be theatre reviews, I'll also probably be posting my reaction to theatre and other showbiz news, maybe some gadget stuff and the odd life lesson. For now you'll have to bear with me whilst I get to grips with using Blogger and try and make this thing look at least a little decent.

Cheerio for now